how to take a break from drinking

Everybody Loves Raymond, everybody kind of grew how to take a break from drinking up with that. In looking into his story, I didn’t know anything about it before I jumped on the Zoom call 8pm Eastern time with him. And I was like, hey, like, nice to meet you on here. Like I really I just started my show at the time. And I didn’t expect him to say yes to it.

how to take a break from drinking

Why Counting Drinks Can Backfire

On the show, she talks about the many aspects of sobriety and moderation, from dealing with doubt to the art of habit change. If you’re in the process of cutting back or quitting drinking, podcasts about sobriety can be an incredible resource. There are so many to choose from, and almost all of them offer empowering stories and insight that can help you along your journey. Yeah, and just to add what you were saying, Casey about getting in touch.

how to take a break from drinking

Ep #140: Optimal Health

how to take a break from drinking

And they would ask me like, do you want an, you know, five ounce or an eight ounce and be like, Oh, yeah, definitely give me the eight ounces. And then I would still have three. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I definitely did some of that. Yeah, but even if they double the couple drinks a couple nights, that wasn’t close to what I was drinking.

Why You’re Drinking Past “Enough”

how to take a break from drinking

Alcohol is often used to make those situations and those feelings more bearable and we don’t even realise it. And the answer is always going to be found where your brain is hanging out, right? When it, because it’s when people are saying like, Yeah, but it could be better. It’s like, okay, so what is actually preventing it from being better? It’s what’s happening in your mind, right? Is that think, feel, act cycle what is alcoholism unfolding?

  • Most people are conditioned to talk about overdrinking solely through the labels “alcoholic,” “sober,” or “recovered.” These labels don’t capture the varying degrees of struggle or the nature of how habits work.
  • We are told that either you are in control or you are powerless, either your brain can handle alcohol or it can’t.
  • But yeah, that’s kind of like the backstory, but how things started.
  • Drinkers get into more expensive legal trouble, they spend more money at restaurants, and schools are often attended based on their reputation as a party school alone.
  • Because I never, I didn’t want people to necessarily tell me what to do or how to live.

Ep #58: Using Your Past as Evidence You Can’t Succeed

  • Telling yourself you shouldn’t feel stressed, worried, or dissatisfied with life will only block your efforts to change the habit of drinking.
  • And then the other thing also is not remembering the end of shows or conversations.
  • I below that tells me there’s all these people kind of trapped in that place that we’ve been talking about.
  • He finally got sober with the help of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Thinking of alcohol as being morally neutral. Right, or like, do I even remember? And why can’t I learn my lesson and who’s going to help me piece together the night? And so I was very fixated on those kinds of like, immediate problems, right, that were often kind of they were just the most painful, right? They were at the kind of like, forefront.

how to take a break from drinking

Contact Confidant Health for more great tips to help you cut back. I know it was a lot of information. I am sorry for the brain dump but I get asked these questions so frequently that I wanted to give you all an overview before diving into the tools. The next time we meet up, I am going to start sharing some tools and techniques that you can start putting into action right away and please I really want to hear from my listeners. Your actions are based on the feeling of desire and your feelings and your desire don’t just come out of the clear blue sky. They are created by your thoughts.